Our website has been designed to help keep you informed about your association so that you feel at home and in touch with your neighbors.
If you are a HOMEOWNER and want to access your account information or make a payment, please register for secure access to the website.
Please follow these procedures:
If you miss the 5-day deadline, return here and click “Forgot Password”. A new password link will be emailed to you, which will also expire within 5 days. Please note that anytime you request a new password, the one in previous emails will be voided.
Once you reset your password, you may log in using your email address and your new password.
If you have an additional property in the community, once approved and registered for your first property, log into the website, click on the Account Info dropdown, choose My Profile and scroll to the bottom to Register an Additional Property. Once your additional property registration is verified and approved you can toggle between property information from your My Profile page.
The "Collins Management" mobile app, available on Apple and Google App Stores, features an AI chatbot for community-specific questions. Enjoy seamless communication and enhanced engagement.
Helpful Videos:
500 Alfred Nobel Drive
Suite 250
Hercules, CA 94547
Phone : 800-557-5179
Email : info@collins-mgmt.com
Managed by Collins Management Company